On a friend's recommendation, I actually bought a bottle of Columbia Crest Two Vines 2004 Merlot from Walmart a couple of months back. When I tried it, I wasn't impressed, but when the same friend brought me a bottle a couple of days later, I tried it again and I really enjoyed it! I'm not sure if it was because of the weather, the food I ate, the amount of time I let it aerate or the sweetness of the gesture, but regardless, if you can find this gem buy it and give it a try. I think it usually goes for between $5-7.
It's somewhere between purple and brick in color. It smells like yeast, alcohol, cherries and a hint of blackberry. The palate is actually pretty complex: cherries, prunes, dried strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, leather and smoke.
Let me know what you think! If you like it, think about buying one for a friend.