Pinot for under $10? It's true and it's not bad. At $6.99 Pepperwood Grove Pinot 2007, is definitely drinkable.
In the glass it looks a bit thin and translucent, but it's got a nice nose of subtle oak, sun-ripened raspberry, spice, mushrooms and forest.
The flavor is also a little thin, but you definitely get the raspberry, cherry, and mushrooms. It also tastes of some kind of spice, that I can't put my finger on? Can you name it?
We're giving this one a spin tonight. I was looking online for a recommendation for wine with Manicotti and read that a Pinot can go well. So I popped on your blog, and Pinot was the last post. It was meant to be! I didn't realize Pinot can be so expensive (you can tell I don't drink it often), so thanks for the economical recommendation! :) -Holly