I poured myself a glass and then my neighbor generously fed me a couple of pieces of delicious Pacific Veggie Pizza from Domino's with added jalapenos and pepperoni.
We started talking and she told me all about our neighbors. Each one has their own unique story, but get this: the guy that used to live above her is on the show Ghost Hunters and used to bring the spirits home with him and sometimes they would visit her in her apartment to hang out with Martini the shitzu. She says they left when he did. Phew!
When the conversation was over, I remembered that I had a glass of wine airing out, but when I went to smell it I couldn't pick up anything. I shrugged it off and took a sip, swirled it around like the pros do and then swallowed, but it didn't' taste like anything either! I didn't know that was possible.
According to Professional Friends of Wine, Sangiovese is the base for the well known Italian Chianti blends. They say that it's supposed to be a more subtle medium-bodied wine, but will often have "a strawberry, blueberry, faintly floral, violet or plummy character."
Sounds like it could be delicious! I'll have to give it another try. Any recommendations?